What’s your hero’s journey?

We're transiting Gate 38 from Dec 30 - Jan 4

Do you feel the pressure to discover the value of your own life?

As 2023 ends and 2024 begins – many people are making New Year’s Resolutions. This Solar Transit brings a frequency that fuels a drive to find purpose in life.

When the calendar year ends, it’s natural to look at what has passed and dream about a fresh start that’s full of promise. The energy brings a fuel and pressure to find that purpose and create a healthier, wealthier, and more beautiful life.

Struggle can be so potent when put into service for the higher good. And, along the way you may discover what’s truly worth your time and energy. Your own hero’s journey.

Certainly, there’s a reason for you to exist.  Each of us has a purpose that transcends merely struggling to survive. The energy of The Fighter may help you find what you love in life.

You may notice yourself or others standing up for those who can’t stand up for themselves by confronting adversity with an energy that opposes unjust behavior.

This may feel like fierce independence or stubbornness to meet challenges head on.

It can also be a time for stepping outside your normal activity to see things differently – looking at the same things but seeing beyond them.

As a way of ‘seeing differently,’ there can be a vision of radically different possibilities: for instance, the state of mind of someone who contemplates leaving a corporate job to become a self-employed healer.

It’s also simply the experience of difference, and how different worlds are visible to different ways of seeing. An example of this is how Western and Chinese medical systems see the body differently, so disorders visible to one are invisible to the other.

If you strive to live life avoiding all difficulties, struggles, or opposition then you may not have the same opportunity for extraordinary growth. I’m not suggesting you seek out difficulties, but rather meet the difficulties as challenges to move you forward in your life.

Aren’t we all simply seeking a reason for living – a reason and purpose for it all?

While we may yearn for times of harmony, it’s through times of challenge, opposition or struggle that real growth occurs.

When others seem to be challenging you, they’re also helping you to further define your individuality and your purpose.

Times of challenge and struggle can make you strong. Honor your individuality and what you find is worth fighting for.

I’m grateful for friends (old and new) family here (and gone) and this amazing gift of life. May 2024 bring much joy and prosperity; deep connections with those who share our lives; and a kinder, gentler world.

Love Yourself,
Ruth Brennan

PS: In Human Design, the New Year begins near the end of January. There are still a few powerful gates to transit that finish up the business of a cycle around the Mandala.


What are Solar Transits?

In Human Design, Solar Transits reflect the impact the Sun is having on humanity as it moves through the Gates and Lines of the Mandala (64 Gates and 384 Lines). Transits are potentials that you may see in others and the world around you, and, may become a part of your experience as well.

Not everyone experiences these energies … and if we do, we experience them filtered through our own unique Human Design.

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