The Journey is toward Spirit.
We're transiting Gate 39 from July 1 - 6
When your buttons are pushed it can bring the spirit of your emotional awareness out into the open. This can be an opportunity to recognize, acknowledge, and work with your feelings. Challenges in life bring the potential to heal wounds and find others who have the same ‘spirit.’
Wisdom and enlightenment aren’t a place to hide from life. Sometimes you simply need to feel all of the feels. After all, isn’t that what being human is about?
This transit brings potential to come down to earth and, as my dear friend Amy often says, “Be where your feet are.”
Difficulties can be a driving force of change and mutation. Life will always bring difficulties, so it may be unrealistic to think that conflict will simply disappear. Obstructions come to teach you new perspectives to support your growth and evolution.
The only real block is an unwillingness to change. When things block your progress can you find a better way to move forward? Or, will you dig your heels in and get angry that things aren’t what you want them to be? I’ve sure been there, although I try not to live there.
This frequency brings potential for analysis, assessment, and reevaluation. There can be great excitement as the old gives way to the new.
Embracing the highs and lows of emotions, letting go of control and surrendering to what is just might be the freedom you seek.
When diverging energies come together both have potential to be transformed. It can be so empowering.
Adversity is how life unleashes your excellence from within.
Love Yourself,
Ruth Brennan
What are Solar Transits?
In Human Design, Solar Transits reflect the impact the Sun is having on humanity as it moves through the Gates and Lines of the Mandala (64 Gates and 384 Lines). Transits are potentials that you may see in others and the world around you, and, may become a part of your experience as well.
Not everyone experiences these energies … and if we do, we experience them filtered through our own unique Human Design.

“There is no one else like you, and only you can live out the magic and power of your unique gifts and contributions. I would love to help you validate the truth of who you are, and how you’re designed to interact profoundly and compassionately with others, as well as provide you with practical tools specific to your design that will create a greater experience of ease and grace, and alignment in your life.” ~ Ruth Brennan
Ruth Brennan is an IHDS Certified Professional Analyst, Certified BG5 Career & Business Consultant and Certified Teacher of Human Design. She currently lives in the beautiful Pacific Northwestern area of the U.S.