Will you return to the core of who you are?
We're transiting Gate 24 from April 27 thru May 2
As the birth of each new day holds promise, re-examining a past situation or belief is an opportunity to see it a different light through the fresh eyes of who you are today.
This Solar Transit brings an opportunity for reflection in a never-ending spiral that leads upward toward a greater understanding of who you are and why you are here. As you ascend the spiral you revisit and return to situations with a deeper understanding and perspective.
While the Sun in Gate 24 there is potential to go over and over things trying to rationalize them. Or, you may be looking for a mystery to solve. The energy is a pulse between knowing and not knowing.
This can bring a “knowing” dilemma and a mental pressure to find the answers … now. However, not all answers are available on-demand. Sometimes it takes time for clarity and the ‘aha’ moment to appear.
It’s difficult to have a peaceful mind when you don’t know and so desperately want the answer.
The current situation in the world has created opportunity to slow down. You might consider taking this time to focus on what will be born from this and how to nurture it moving forward.
I love what peace there can be in silence. My mind slows down and relaxes into the realization that I don’t need to know the answers to everything right now. In silence, I can disconnect from the noise and expectations of the world and go inward.
Silence allows me to refresh and renew, like a beautiful night’s sleep, peaceful nap or a wonderful meditation. Rest and patience are keys for me to stay true to who I am.
Answers often come in an atmosphere of silence, when the mind is still and has space for clarity to emerge. It may be a time to return to the core of who you are.
Because sometimes you need to stop and go back if you’ve taken a wrong turn or have been on the improper path. It’s an opportunity to look at your commitment to your life. Sometimes ‘The Return’ can reveal what is truly important to you and brings a chance to begin anew.
Love Yourself,
Ruth Brennan
What are Solar Transits?
In Human Design, Solar Transits reflect the impact the Sun is having on humanity as it moves through the Gates and Lines of the Mandala (64 Gates and 384 Lines). Transits are potentials that you may see in others and the world around you, and, may become a part of your experience as well.
Not everyone experiences these energies … and if we do, we experience them filtered through our own unique Human Design.
Would you like more information on Human Design? You’re invited to visit and like my Facebook page Embrace Human Design. Feel free to post comments and ask questions there.

“There is no one else like you, and only you can live out the magic and power of your unique gifts and contributions. I would love to help you validate the truth of who you are, and how you’re designed to interact profoundly and compassionately with others, as well as provide you with practical tools specific to your design that will create a greater experience of ease and grace, and alignment in your life.” ~ Ruth Brennan
Ruth Brennan is an IHDS Certified Professional Analyst, Certified BG5 Career & Business Consultant and Certified Teacher of Human Design. She currently lives in the beautiful Pacific Northwestern area of the U.S.