Living Your Design Workshop with Ruth Brennan
“Embrace the Extraordinary Power of You!”
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An Online Workshop Experience
The Living Your Design workshop is an experiential dive into Human Design as a map of awakening. You’ll learn about Types, Authorities, and Centers giving you a basic level of understanding any BodyGraph. And, you’ll experience a deeper awareness of your own design and decision-making that allows your body to lead and your conscious mind to become a witness. We will cover all of the fundamental information that serves as the foundation for all education in Human Design and is required for any further professional study.
We’ll take a personal look at what it means to live according to strategy and authority as you begin your journey of discovering the difference between our true nature and our conditioning. These discoveries lead to a greater acceptance of who you are and the potential of fulfilling your role and higher purpose in this life.
This workshop can transform your life while radically altering your view and experience of life and your place in it.
This course will be held online using a Zoom meeting room and is open to anyone, whether you are interested in further formal study, your own personal development or both.
This Living Your Design workshop includes:
- 16+ hours of presentation on Type, Authority, Centers, and Conditioning including Q&A and exploration of the participants’ BodyGraphs
- Additional Study Group time as needed
- All class material in PDF format for your reference
- Practical suggestions for experimentation in daily life
- Opportunities to observe and experience how different designs function and experience life
- Classes will be recorded in case you need to miss a class or review the material
Price: $350 (3 month payment plan is available by request)
Recommended Materials: Living Your Design Manual
A Foundation Reading is recommended, but not required
Questions? Send an email to ruth@embraceflux.com.