Jupiter – Expansiveness and Reward for Learning Saturn’s Lessons
Jupiter is the place where you can find your life story, how you fit in, what gifts and opportunities life brings you and how you receive them. Jupiter is the great “meaning maker” in your design. He answers the question – where do I fit in the larger context of my society?
It’s the expanding, enriching possibility of luck and opportunity, which adds to life and widens it.
Jupiter and its Galilean moons are the orchestrating agents for everything that takes place on earth. That is, Jupiter as truly the logos, in so many ways, the great manipulator of the maia.
The Galilean moons together form a kind of electromagnetic matrix, what might be called the G.O.D.S, the Global Orchestration Directories. That is, all the information, all the data necessary for the orchestration of the incarnative sequence.

“There is no one else like you, and only you can live out the magic and power of your unique gifts and contributions. I would love to help you validate the truth of who you are, and how you’re designed to interact profoundly and compassionately with others, as well as provide you with practical tools specific to your design that will create a greater experience of ease and grace, and alignment in your life.” ~ Ruth Brennan
Ruth Brennan is an IHDS Certified Professional Analyst, Certified BG5 Career & Business Consultant and Certified Teacher of Human Design. She currently lives in the beautiful Pacific Northwestern area of the U.S.