No person is an island.

We're transiting Gate 13 from Feb 1 – Feb 7


This transit brings the frequency of looking at the past to get your direction to move forward.

The Gate of The Listener comes to find answers. What did you learn from the past? What will you leave in the past? And, what will you need to learn now to develop your own unique direction and identity in life moving forward?

Thematically, this energy is about initiation and not imitation.

So, learning can support the development of your own unique and differentiated understanding. It’s a time for listening and interacting with others to find your answers. And, perhaps you’ll want to share what you’ve discovered with others when it’s correct for you to do so. The Witness Returns.

This gate is also known as the “Hearer of Secrets.”

And, its energy brings focus on how you interact with others with an emphasis on gaining clarity about how you behave in relationship to others.

You may be attracted to certain groups because of shared interests. However, once you’ve become part of a larger circle there’s an opportunity to observe the ways in which you’re different.

What makes you … you? What differentiated contribution can you make?

If you can ascertain even the smallest insight about yourself through a relationship, regardless of how long it lasts, it has been successful.

Fellowship is a call to realize that no person is an island. We’re all connected and each of us is part of the tapestry of interaction. And yet, everyone fulfills his own destiny. Can you grasp the importance of the part you play?

Everything in the universe is interacting and exchanging energy in some way.” Although you may not be able to see nature’s symmetries and connectivity, they’re still there.

Within the image of quiet knowing can you learn to give and receive? You may be able to move beyond any self-limiting thoughts about your life. And, through self-love or opening to love, you may find it was there all along.

You weren’t made meaningless and irrelevant. There is but one unique, differentiated and special you in the world. The world needs your piece of the puzzle.


Love Yourself,
Ruth Brennan

The Sun’s transit through the Gate of The Listener, Fellowship of Man, begins the Quarter of Initiation.

Our journey around the wheel starts with sharing. Sharing what makes sense from the past so we don’t have to start from scratch. We bring forward what we’ve learned that makes sense for this cycle. We aren’t the same as the generation before so some things don’t need to be brought forward.


What are Solar Transits?

In Human Design, Solar Transits reflect the impact the Sun is having on humanity as it moves through the Gates and Lines of the Mandala (64 Gates and 384 Lines). Transits are potentials that you may see in others and the world around you, and, may become a part of your experience as well.

Not everyone experiences these energies … and if we do, we experience them filtered through our own unique Human Design.

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