Magic is revealed in a million little things.
We're transiting Gate 62 from July 12 - 18
Inner truth can be revealed in the details.
The transit’s energy is about the little things. Will you be an observer of small things that you might normally miss? This may be an opportunity to really see what’s unfolding before you.
Notice the preponderance of the small.
When you can focus on the details of what you want to articulate it becomes possible to be crystal clear. It makes life so much sweeter when you are understood.
And, this sometimes takes patience and attention to a million little things.
When you want to share your experiences … the nuances and details communicate much more about the richness of the experiences of your life.
Being present, in the moment … moment-by-moment allows you to appreciate all that is being communicated to you.
The truth can be hidden inside the little things and that is nothing short of magical.
Are you looking so far into the future that you miss what is unfolding before you now?
I have this gate twice in my design. I wouldn’t say that I get bogged down in details. However, when I find myself future-tripping I can ground myself by noticing the small things that are right and beautiful in my life. It can help me reveal my inner truth that life happens in the now and that there is always – always – something to be grateful for.
Even if my resources of time, energy, money may be limited at any given time … small steps can yield big results.
There can be such enormous power that arises from things that appear to be insignificant.
“Be grateful for your life, every detail of it, and your face will come to shine like a sun, and everyone who sees it will be made glad and peaceful.” ~ Rumi
Love Yourself,
Ruth Brennan
What are Solar Transits?
In Human Design, Solar Transits reflect the impact the Sun is having on humanity as it moves through the Gates and Lines of the Mandala (64 Gates and 384 Lines). Transits are potentials that you may see in others and the world around you, and, may become a part of your experience as well.
Not everyone experiences these energies … and if we do, we experience them filtered through our own unique Human Design.
“There is no one else like you, and only you can live out the magic and power of your unique gifts and contributions. I would love to help you validate the truth of who you are, and how you’re designed to interact profoundly and compassionately with others, as well as provide you with practical tools specific to your design that will create a greater experience of ease and grace, and alignment in your life.” ~ Ruth Brennan
Ruth Brennan is an IHDS Certified Professional Analyst, Certified BG5 Career & Business Consultant and Certified Teacher of Human Design. She currently lives in the beautiful Pacific Northwestern area of the U.S.